Learning through fun and rich experiences

In a caring and safe place

We offer high quality long day-care programs with integrated kindergarten.

We are a small centre, with up to 37 children across our Lorikeet and Kinder rooms.

Our Services

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) is the curriculum framework used within the Co-op. 

The framework aims to advance children’s learning and development ​by supporting early childhood professionals to work together and ​with families to achieve common outcomes for all children. Educators recognise that they need time to interact with friends, practice social skills, solve problems, try new activities, and learn life skills. Children’s learning in early years settings compliments their learning at home.​

At the Co-op there is great importance placed on relationships and nurturing children’s needs and interests. We engage in family centred practice by respecting the pivotal role of families in children’s lives.​

Curriculum and Program

We link our practice to the Early Years Learning Practice Principles and Outcomes. These five outcomes are designed to ​capture the integrated and complex wellbeing, development and learning of all children. These outcomes are broad and observable and include:​

  • Children have a strong sense of identity​

  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world​

  • Children have a strong sense of well being​

  • Children are confident and involved learners​

  • Children are effective communicators​

‘EYLF’ is incorporated in the National Quality Standard to support consistent and quality education and care across sectors and jurisdictions.

The Lorikeet room is a fun and engaging space for children aged 6 months to 3 years.

It’s a multi-age space with flexible early learning programs that support each child’s individual interests and development.

Lorikeet Room (6 months to 3 years)

  • Our Lorikeet room is run by our highly qualified and experienced Early Childhood Teachers, provides progressive and flexible indoor and outdoor learning in our unique and natural space. We construct environments that promote children’s inherent curiosity, wonder and love for learning.​

    Our program:

    • Places great importance on relationships

    • Supports children’s social and emotional wellbeing

    • Supports children’s cognitive and physical development

    • Supports children’s curiosity

    • Is child-led, responsive and inclusive

    • Is informed by our collaborative partnerships with families

    • Integrates teaching and learning approaches

    • Embeds Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and perspectives

  • Our teachers design learning programs for each individual child and work with our wonderful educators to implement these day-to-day.

  • Our programs are informed and underpinned by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), the National Quality Framework as well as the Emergent Curriculum.

    We construct environments that promote children’s inherent curiosity, wonder and love for learning.

    We believe that all children are capable, competent and filled with potential and we support inclusion and opportunities for all.

    Our programs build on children’s culture, strengths, interests and knowledge.

  • Multi-age groups in early learning centres offer children unique opportunities for learning and development.

    In the Lorikeet Room at Co-op, children from six months old to three years old play and learn together.

    This grouping mimics the dynamic of a large, extended family, allowing children to develop relationships with their peers of different ages, and in turn nurture their social and intellectual growth.

Kinder Room (3- and 4-years old)

The learning environment in the kindergarten is designed to be rich in literacy, numeracy, creativity, and interactivity to foster learning. We employ creative methods to enhance children's learning experiences and promote interactions with others.​

  • Our program:​

    • Values children’s voices and rights ​

    • Sees daily routines as learning opportunities for​ children ​

    • Focuses on children’s development of dispositions for learning such as imagination, creativity, curiosity, persistence and confidence ​

    • Supports children to explore, investigate and research alongside each other ​

    • Emphasises on children’s development of independence and self-help skills ​

    • Supports the development of early literacy ​and numeracy through play-based experiences ​

    • Supports children to stay connected with ​the community through excursions, outings ​and incursions

  • Our kindergarten program is run by our highly qualified and experienced Early Childhood Teacher.​

  • The kindergarten program offered is inspired by a variety of intentional education philosophies that stem from the Italian Reggio and Emilia approach and various nature-based pedagogies.

    It is predominantly a play-based program that has a strong emphasis on hands-on, enquiry-based learning through a variety of collaborative projects which encourage children to become curious and independent learners through the processes of exploration, investigation, experimentation, discovery etc.

    The kinder children also spend time in both the indoor and outdoor environments throughout the day to follow their interests and further extend their learning and developmental skills.

Kindergarten Victorian Government approved tick
National Quality Standard logo meeting

Family Partnerships

We recognise the crucial role that families play in a child's life, considering them the foremost influence on a child's development. The Co-op actively engages in nurturing and supporting children enrolled in our programs, fostering a robust partnership with families through a range of practices.


We recognise the profound importance of cultivating a strong sense of community within our early childhood environment. We believe that a thriving community not only enriches the lives of the children but also serves as a foundation for positive social and emotional development.​

Diversity and Equality

Our Goals:

  • Promote Inclusivity: Create an inclusive environment that recognises and values individual differences, ensuring that all children feel welcome and appreciated.

  • Cultural Awareness: Foster cultural awareness by acknowledging and celebrating the diverse backgrounds of our children, families, and staff.

  • Gender Equity: Actively work to break gender stereotypes, promoting an understanding that everyone has equal capabilities and the right to pursue their interests regardless of gender.​

  • Family Diversity: Recognise and celebrate various family structures, ensuring that all families feel respected and represented in our community.


The Co-op strives to promote the values of conservation and an appreciation of the natural environment in the day to day running of the centre.

The Co-op aims to:​

  • Purchase environmentally friendly ​products where possible.​

  • Offer learning experiences to the children ​that encourage and develop awareness, ​attitudes, behaviours and skills relevant ​to the conservation of the environment.​

  • Promote sensitivity to the environment by including activities of planting, observing ​nature and the changes in seasons.​

  • Staff to be role models in efficient and environmentally sensitive use of ​energy sources.​

  • Continue landscaping of outside play ​areas to ensure adequate play areas ​and opportunities to explore nature.

Outings and Educational Activities

Our Co-op benefits from its proximity to various community resources such as parklands, sporting fields, schools, the post office, library, and shops. Embracing our community-centred approach, we actively incorporate these spaces and facilities into the children's experiences.​

To facilitate this, our teachers and educators have meticulously developed a tailored Risk Minimisation Assessment specific to each group of children. This strategic approach enables us to conduct both whole group and small group excursions within our community, enhancing the children's learning experiences.​

Throughout the year, our teachers curate several engaging incursions that align with the children's interests, providing educational and enjoyable activities that contribute to their overall development.


Clear, positive communication is paramount. Co-op believes it is vital that families are consulted about their children and are kept actively informed about their day and development.

We use OWNA - an innovative digital platform designed to strengthen the connection between our educators and families. OWNA serves as a central hub where we share and celebrate the wonderful moments of your child's learning journey. Through OWNA, you gain real-time insights into your child's day, receive updates, view photos, and engage in meaningful conversations with our educators.